The Whitecourt Wolverines are currently seeking Temporary and Full time Billet Family’s for the 2014-15 Season.
The Whitecourt Wolverines Billet Family Program plays a major role in our team's success both on and off the ice. It takes special people to open their homes and hearts to our players and we take the utmost care to ensure our players are placed in environments that are conducive to care, understanding and safety. The Wolverines Organization works diligently with Kelly Shears who is in her 3rd year as The Wolverines Billet Coordinator.
We ask that our players be treated like any other member of the billet family. It is important that the player respect the rules of his host family and the host family respect the rules of the hockey club. The values and principles for success that are essential to become a member of Whitecourt Wolverines will be demanded at the rink, in the home, in the community and in school.
Billet Guidelines
• Provide 1 nutritious meal along with all other meals for your player. Meals should be wholesome and varied. Flexibility on behalf of billets and players is needed in this area. Players do not need to eat steak everyday!!! Billets should talk with the player and determine his preferences in foods and time to eat. Pre-game meals are important, on average, players should eat 3 hours before a game, but this may vary. If no one is home and the player cannot prepare his own meal then plans to reheat a meal should be made.
• Support, communication and understanding are vital keys to success. Make sure you talk to your player about expectations.
• The hockey team enforces curfew and rules on alcohol and banned substances; this is addressed to the entire team during training camp.
• Girlfriends are expected to leave at curfew; girlfriends are not allowed in the player’s bedrooms. Handle this subject pertaining to your house rules. Please notify billet coordinator if problems arise from this.
• Players are not permitted to leave town without permission from the Coach/General Manager.
• If you are going away for vacation, please notify the General Manager and accommodations will be provided for your player.
• Arrange long distance phone calls with your player, as payment will be their responsibility.
• Billets Families will receive payment for housing also with receive season tickets for their household in which our player would stay.
The above guidelines are designed to benefit you but are subject to change. We appreciate your valuable contribution to the Hockey Club.
If you are interested in becoming a billet for the 2014-15 Season (Temporary of Full time) please contact our Billet Coordinator Kelly Shears at 780-779-8815 or