Tip a Wolverine
On February 12th the Whitecourt Wolverines will be teaming up with the servers at Mr Mikes to raise money for two great charities!
The R&R Foundation and Tennille’s Hope Soup Kitchen will both benefit from your tips that night!
Celebrate Valentine’s Day early or bring your family for a great meal served by your favorite Wolverine and enjoy all the fun planned for the event. There will be face painting, balloon hats and a team signed Wolverines jersey up for bid.
Call MR MIKESWhitecourt at 780-7788669 to reserve your table!
For more information on these great not-for-profits right here in Whitecourt visit:
R&R Memorial Foundation at http://rnrmemorialfund.com/donate
Tennille’s Hope Soup Kitchen at http://www.tennilleshope.com/make-a-donation/
Central School Annual Skate fueled by Pembina West Co-op
Wolverines are gearing up for our exciting outdoor rink game with the Grade five students at Whitecourt Central School. This annual tradition includes lunch for the entire school provided and prepared by Pembina West Co-op. Weather permitting, the students and our team will take to the ice for a fun game experience for the students. If it proves to be too cold outside we will take to the gym to challenge students for some indoor game challenges.
Wolverines Game day Experience and Future Prospects Mini-Game.