Season Tickets for 2016/2017

It's that time of the year to renew season tickets for the 2016/2017 Wolverines Hockey Season! If you renew and pay during Play Offs you will receive 10% off your total!

Season Ticket Prices
Family Pack (2 adults, 2 kids) – $750 (save $75 by renewing and paying during Play Offs
Adult – $315 (save $31.50 by renewing and paying during play offs
Senior – $225 (save $22.50 by renewing and paying during play offs
Child – $150 (save $15.00 by renewing and paying during play offs

This year we're shooting for 1000 SEASON TICKET HOLDERS!!! Help us reach our goal by becoming part of our team as a season ticket holder!

***We offer payment plans. Call Stacy 780-779-7159 or Nathalie 780-286-9119 or email for information today!

Watch our Season Ticket Video now