On February 3rd, 2017, Coach Gord Thibodeau broke the record for All-Time wins in the AJHL. We celebrated his record breaking game on February 12, 2017 at our home game.The Wolverines would like to thank everyone who came to the game, sent messages and videos and for all those that supported Gord through his last 23 years and will continue to support him well into his future coaching endevours.
Many people that sent videos for our Gord Thibodeau tribute were not able to attend the game so here are the three videos that we used to celebrate Gord's career.
The first one was published on the Wolverines social media immediately following his 833rd win.
The second one was played at the February 12th game while the crowd was filling the stands.
Also, here are some of the pictures from the night of the 833rd win in Fort McMurray and from the night of the celebration.
Again, thank you to all who came, messaged and supported Gord through his record breaking moment! A special thank you to Ryan Steinke for workin so hard on the Final tribute video and to Gord's daughter Tristan Thibodeau for helping so much throughout the process of getting ready for the ceremony and getting us in touch with so many of Gord's family, friends and former players and co-workers.