The Whitecourt Wolverines (23-27-3) play host to the visiting Lloyminster Bobcats (26-23-4) for the 5th time this season. The Wolverines are 2-1-1 vs the Bobcats this season with the most recent game being a 4-0 victory at the Scott Safety Centre on January 14th.
The Wolverines would like to remind fans that tonight is our first annual Teddy Bear Toss night! When the Wolverines score their first goal of the night we want you to throw all your stuffed teddy bears on the ice. All bears will be donated to the Stollery Children’s Foundation in Edmonton. That of course is not the only thing that will be donated to the Stollery, all proceeds of tonight’s 50/50 along with any donations that are received at the door will be donated as well.
The Wolverines would like to also mention that Home Hardware has been selling Teddy Bears at their location in Whitecourt all week and are donating all proceeds along with any proceeds made off of Teddy Bears at tonight’s contest. Home Hardware will be also selling ALL pink merchandise at 50% off tonight only.
Game time tonight is at 7pm and fans are encouraged to wear PINK!.